Customer Calling Consumer Hotline

How often do you get frustrated when you call a business, and nobody picks up?

A situation like this means a waste of time for the caller, which validates the fact that over 80% of callers hang up on voicemail.

It costs money and missed opportunities, not to mention that it reduces customer satisfaction. It can also impact your reputation as a responsive business if customers can’t get in touch with you. Luckily, there is a solution — outsourced telephone answering services

A live telephone answering service is a great way to make sure your customers never get the chance to hang up and go somewhere else. With an outsourced receptionist, you can have a knowledgeable professional answering your calls. It also means that no caller will ever miss out on reaching you because you weren’t available. Below, we are listing the top five benefits of using a live telephone answering service.


Build Brand Authority

Exceptional professionalism.

That is one of the primary benefits of choosing a live telephone answering service. While being present 24/7, you can build authority and instill trust in your callers by letting them know you are available at all times. In times when people appreciate excellent customer service, a solution like this creates many growth opportunities.


Save On Major Costs

You do not have to pay for payroll taxes, benefits, bonuses, holidays, or workers’ compensation coverage when you use a call answering service — and this type of service requires less of an investment than hiring an in-house receptionist.

Instead of having a staff that is only available 40 hours a week, you get the added benefit of having your calls answered 24/7 which helps across time zones in our new interconnected world.

The bottom line is that the actual cost of a telephone answering service comes as a fraction of the cost of hiring a new employee, let alone an entire department.


Spend Time on Critical Tasks

Rather than answering phone calls, you can spend your time on more important things like marketing, quality control, and productivity. When you have a reliable telephone answering service in place, there is no need to answer every call personally. Even if your business is small or still new and growing, there are plenty of tasks you would focus on rather than answering the phone.


Build an Efficient Remote Team

We all know how work routines shifted over the past few years to remote teams and virtual operations. Another significant advantage of hiring a telephone answering service is the possibility of creating a team like this. 

Even if your entire organization is virtual, each caller can reach a specific department or individual they want to reach. With call routing, your remote teams and operations can work flawlessly.


Reduce Caller Waiting Times

Last is probably one of the most important benefits of all – time savings for both you and your callers. With a live telephone answering service that’s tailored to your unique needs, you can finally reduce the wait time your callers have when reaching you and reduce frustration on their end. 

Unanswered or missed calls cost a lot of money and reduces overall customer satisfaction. This is where a telephone answering service, which receives incoming calls on your behalf, can optimize your communications profitability. Choosing a service like this can be one of the best decisions to help you improve efficiency and profitability.


Let’s Connect

For more information about our telephone answering services, click the button below or call us at 866-605-2558.


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