A Telephone Answering Service Practising Outcome Based Leadership

The benefits to your organization of a telephone answering service practising outcome-based leadership is that the staff willingly accept your feedback and work with the team to improve the data collection during your calls and update the process to better meet your needs on an ongoing basis.  We troubleshoot and make our system better every day to ensure the best outcome possible for you, our client.

Is your telephone ringing while you are busy closing a sale? While you are on another call? When you are doing something and know you should answer but think “oh I will just call them back, their number will show on our call display”… Intercon Messaging, a state of the art call management solution provides professional friendly telephone answering service 24/7/365 and have been doing so for more than 23 years. 

At Intercon Messaging we practise outcome-based leadership.  In our busy lives, the ringing of the telephone is sometimes an interruption to a highly productive hour, morning, or educational day with our people.  Engaging the services of our professional telephone answering service ensures the best outcome for your callers, potential new customers and your existing clients.

It has taken me years; but now, more often than not, when things do not go as I intended; I am able to calmly comment to myself… oooh, that was not my intended outcome, what is the learning in this for me, how might I have handled this differently to achieve my desired outcome?  As a leadership team at Intercon, we ask ourselves this all the time and thrive on feedback to provide you, our client the most professional, accurate, telephone answering service possible.  

To provide continuous improvement in business we ask as many of these questions as we need to make sure we meet your expectations:

  • Am I crystal clear on the outcome I want?

  • Did I clearly communicate my expectations?

  • Is the outcome I wanted reasonable, achievable, realistic?

  • Does the outcome I expect further my cause?

  • Am I coming from a place of positive intention?

In life, we wake up every morning with a fresh start, and the opportunity to hit the rewind button in our minds and make up a new story… if I am allowing the interaction I was uncomfortable (disappointed, angry, frustrated, hurt) with yesterday for my thoughts to keep me awake with this type of thought:

I am right, she owes me an apology, and the endless loop keeps spinning in my head…  I am at the stuck place… STOP.  Time for different thinking:

  • Do I have the compassion for myself to take these actions?

  • Own my part of the story by asking myself:  heh…I was present during this interaction so what part of this story do I own?

  • Am I looking at the interaction from a different perspective?

  • To ask myself: do I want to be right or do I want to get that which I believe is most important to me? 

  • Am I clear on what is most important to me?

I started this journey in 2002 after attending 21st Century Leadership.

At Intercon Messaging, a telephone answering service, based in Alberta, we teach and practise outcome-based leadership.  The business benefits are significant. 

Intercon Messaging’s philosophy of “being easy to do business with” guides us with every client and every call.  All calls are recorded and recordings are utilized for continuous improvement.  We update, and upgrade to ensure the correct data is collected for every call. 

As a telephone answering service, the team at Intercon is professional, experienced and provides top-quality professional service. Teaching and practising outcome-based leadership increases employee engagement and retention.

If your telephone is ringing 24/7/365, and you need a break, or are in a growth phase but not ready for a full-time receptionist it is time to engage the professional services offered by Intercon Messaging.  If, during the day, you have more calls than one person can handle, but not enough calls to hire a second person, we provide backup service any time of the day.  We have the technology to connect you to your caller directly or send each message simultaneously to more than one person, via SMS (text), e-mail, or live to an individual if you choose to call in after you receive a voice mail.  If you catch yourself thinking “at this moment, this telephone ringing is an interruption”, Intercon Messaging, a professional award-winning telephone answering service is your solution.

Closing comments, a TED Talk and a couple of books I enjoyed:

This TED talk by Shawn Achor is entertaining, not too long and about Shawn’s research on happiness. Watch here.

Had a discussion about venting.  Read “Unlearn: 101 Life Lessons Without the Bullsh*t” by Humble the Poet and am almost finished “Let That Sh*t Go” by Nina Purewal and Kate Petriw. Humble says teach yourself to find the good in everyone, and learn to think kind thoughts about people.  The other book says vent for ½ hour max, let it go and move on.  Personally, I think venting is destructive and a great habit to break.


TED:Ideas "5 Effective Exercises to Help You Stop Believing Your Unwanted Automatic Thoughts"


A Calm, Professional Voice In The Storm