Pointers for Positive Thinking

We all want happiness; but finding it consistently amidst our chaotic lives can sometimes be a problem. Here are some pointers for bringing more positivity into your life and your thought process.

Starting right at the beginning, it is important to commence your day with positive affirmation. The morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. Give yourself the time you need, maybe listen to some uplifting music. Tell yourself, out loud even, statements like “Today is going to be a good day,” or “I’m going to do amazing today.” If you notice negative self-talk during the day, try to replace it with positive talk. “I’m terrible at this,” can become “When I practice more, I’ll be better.”

Obstacles may come up, but try to focus on the good things, even the small ones. Try to look at the benefits of events, even if they’re slight. Getting stuck in traffic might give you time to listen to more of your favorite music, or if they’re out of something you want from the grocery store, think about how thrilling it could be to try something new. Try to find the humor in bad situations, reminding yourself that they’ll likely make a good story or even a joke later. Practice gratitude for the good things in your life. Keeping a gratitude journal can be beneficial.

Inevitably, there will be failures at times, but try to turn them into lessons to learn from. Think about what you’ll do the next time, even try to come up with concrete rules or guidelines from your experience. It is also important to remember to stay in the present moment. Not just the day or the hour, the exact moment. Many sources of negativity come from memory of a recent event or when you try to imagine a potential future event. Stay focused on the present and you’ll find in most situations, it’s not as bad as you imagine it to be.

Lastly, try to find positive friends, mentors and co-workers to spend time with and learn from. When you are surrounded by positive people, you’ll hear their positive outlooks, positive affirmations and positive stories. All of these affect you. Do what you can to try to improve other people’s positivity, and let their positivity affect you similarly. The more you practice positivity, the more you will benefit from compounding returns.


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