Article Review: Self-doubt Can Actually Help You Bloom

Self-doubt can actually help you bloom — and it all starts with how you talk to yourself

Harnessing self-doubt starts with a concept called “self-efficacy,” or our confidence in our ability to set ourselves up for success.  We can improve this through something we already do: self-talk, says writer Rich Karlgaard.  In this article, he analyzes why some of us are late bloomers in life and some methods to achieve personal transformation.

When effectively managed, self-doubt can become a kind of secret weapon for allowing a person to bloom.  It can help combat complacency and improve performance and preparation, to question results and experiment with new strategies, while remaining open to alternative ways to solve problems.  It can also make us wiser, more compassionate, and more insightful.  However, the popular advice for dealing with self-doubt is often attempting to employ cheap tricks, such as comparing ourselves to the weakest around us or conforming to cultural norms. 

To bloom, a person must learn not to fear self-doubt but to embrace it as a natural opportunity for improvement and growth.  The origin of “self-efficacy” is discussed next, how higher ratings of it correlate with greater success, and how self-talk can influence it.

You can read the full article here for more information.


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